Rose Lemberg is making a cool series right now about writing while autistic, and I am linking to everything in the series because it’s wonderful.
- On rules and guilt
- On productivity and stimming (This advice is about writing, but it might be usefully applied to many other stimmy, potentially unproductive tasks which one feels pressurd to make “productive”.)
- On ending a story when transitions are hard
- On reclaiming hyperfocus (I… need to think about this one some more. Oof.)
- On writing a story in multiple sessions
Politics and government:
- Betsy DeVos, the U.S. Secretary of Education, rescinded 72 documents outlining disabled students’ rights.
- In Canada, it’s becoming more difficult for mentally disabled people to access disability tax credits and other financial help. (CN: “sufferers of autism” and other unfortunate word choices.)
- Terrence McCoy on the agony of waiting for a disability hearing in the US (CN: There’s… um… I want to warn for a thing that’s in this article, but I don’t know what to call it. Really depressing situations happen and people are depressed by them. I don’t know. Also, slurs.)
Sexuality and relationships:
- Chrysanthe Tan on why it’s hard for queer autistic people to access most queer spaces – and what the queer community could do to fix it.
- Dani Alexis Ryskamp on weird flirting
Pan-disability posts:
- More than half of disabled Black Americans have been arrested by the age of 28
- Frances Ryan reports on the everyday lives of disabled people in the UK
- Annalee Flower Horne on disability representation in the X-Men and how to make it better
Posts about safety and crisis situations:
- ASAN releases an Autism and Safety toolkit addressing bullying, abuse, and many other issues that affect autistic people’s safety.
- Maxfield Sparrow on dealing with a crisis when you don’t have reliable oral speech
- Chavisory addresses autistic people who want to be cured
- Alyssa Hillary on pain tolerance
- Shannon des Roches Rosa on valuing intense interests
- Reese Piper on autistic women and executive dysfunction